Monday, February 4, 2008

same cute black dude

after some public comment (LOL) the doors of the fire stalking station have been FLUNG WIDE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A first for YEARS> same black dude. Maybe it's HIS lexus. Nah. He's just really cute and really good at doing what he's told.
Fulfilling the stalker requirements.
Anyway, it's REALLLLLY interesting months, A YEAR OR LONGER worth of footage of them hiding and skulking and then suddenly skateboarding enthusiasts (in front of MY CAR at least) and .... FRIENDLY FACES.

Homeboy's children blading up on a school morning. IT's right droll to see this. L O L.
No, really it IS.
Honestly this has not happened around there FOR DECADES. When they put the neighborhood cops there (or the cop CARS, at least) around about that time the doors slammed shut and stayed that way til honest to god you wondered if it was closed.

Fellas I feel so much safer cause that way when your buddies go to burn my house down that cute black dude who apparently SPENDS ALL DAY either glaring at ME while driving or on his cellphone (on my dime) will be able to smell the smoke and RUN RIGHT OVER.
Makes a girl feel warm all over, yknow??
Thanks man !!!

When does he get HIS lexus??

I advocate for a lexus for him NOW because man, he's devoted to me. Maybe he'll give me a ride .... yeah, I"ve been offered some rides.
L O L.

Hey you lil hottie, I know this neat bi chick who might dig you.

"It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware people are of what is really happening to them." - Adolf Hitler - Heated Discussion Firefighter vs Citizen pertaining to Fire Brigade abuse of tax dollars

Gang and Citizen Stalking
An interesting PUBLIC discussion pertaining to Firemen ABUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS at
Unlike THIS victim I have NO intention of keeping this information to myself. I warned warned and warned. Let the chips fall where they may. I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR that I intend to reveal if it doesn't stop and instead they thought they'd scare me and DO MORE. That's their choice.

Additional Data on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere

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