Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Can't take the heat

you know what they say ....
Now, we've got some interesting items. Talking about home invasions and other such.

These guys ... and sending their sisters out. I'm not sure which is worse. Picking on little kids or letting your sister do your dirty work. Whatev. That's YOUR program. Nobody minded what you were doing or even KNEW. You wanted that ... you brought it. Thought it would be like taking candy from a baby, huh?
Sure and we'll just see about that ...

And, the Tampa Fire Brigade who has all the time in the world to sit through lengthy legal arguments about which of their poorly paid selves should get to take people out I mean save lives at the stadium ... also take time to sit on corners places and now make stealth appearances two blocks away again.

Believing incorrectly that this won't be captured on video. L O L. mmmmkay. It's just STOOPID.

It wouldn't matter if it weren't ... I"ve got SO MUCH by now that it's piled up everywhere around the country.

Anyway ... I fail to get what it accomplishes.

But, knock yourselves out.

And, remember.


way way back...

I mean I see you, okay?

And, I'm assuredly unimpressed.

People have caught on .

It's more over than not.

And, you know it.

You NEED me. I do not need you.

See, if I were you and I needed something from me --- and since your success rate is so poor -- I really would be rethinking the program ... what DOES that person want?? Simple questions get simple answers.

Or you could just continue up the road of national embarrassment until ALL of you end up facing life felonies.

I KNEW that post was going to make you angry.

Guess what/

It made ME pretty angry that she told LIES about me for YEARS.

And you knew it.

But it worked.
I'm not about to help a bunch of freaks take down a kid.

So, save the city budget and park your big red pieces of DEATH BOX back in the garage.

P.S. It's very telling .... that you used to zoom by so much when I drove in and now .... well, heck now when you're being stealth .. it just makes it more obvious.

If there's ANYONE IN CHARGE for GOD'S SAKE ... speak to someone intelligent and see if he can't get some help sorting things out.

GED aside. There's GOT TO BE someone smart that you know.

"It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware people are of what is really happening to them." - Adolf Hitler - Heated Discussion Firefighter vs Citizen pertaining to Fire Brigade abuse of tax dollars

Gang and Citizen Stalking
An interesting PUBLIC discussion pertaining to Firemen ABUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS at FloridaToday.com.
Unlike THIS victim I have NO intention of keeping this information to myself. I warned warned and warned. Let the chips fall where they may. I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR that I intend to reveal if it doesn't stop and instead they thought they'd scare me and DO MORE. That's their choice.

Additional Data on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere

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