They'll use the county vehicles and their own highly-paid days to fill your pool.
Oh but if you ARE NOT related to one of them you won't be GETTING any real water.
Please tell me why a fireman needs a jet ski. Please. Oh yeah .. those water rescues. Last I heard the firemen won't even GO IN after a drowning victim. In fact, they won't let OTHERS go in to save a drowning victim.
Kansas City Firemen Busted for Filling Private Pool with Fire Hydrant
By Ayanna G., published Jun 21, 2007 Published Content: 610 Total Views: 921,260 Favorited By: 27 CPs
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On Sunday, police detectives were surveying an area of Kansas City, Kansas, looking for suspected drug activity. They noticed a fire truck pulling up to a house, and connecting a hose to a nearby hydrant. However, the firemen were not there to put out a four-alarm fire. They were there to fill a private swimming pool with sparkling water.Busted!According to the Kansas City Star, officers patrolling the neighborhood near 51st Street and Hagemann Street saw fire truck (Pumper 17) pull up to a residence. Mike Taylor, a representative for Wyandotte County's Unified Government claims that a three-person crew "allegedly hooked a fire hose to a hydrant", connecting that hose to Pumper 17, and then filled the resident's swimming pool.The firefighters were on-duty when the incident occurred, using fire equipment that, according to Taylor---needed to have been available immediately in case of an emergency. Taylor also confirms that even though the truck itself was available to respond to a call, removing the hoses and re-connecting them to the truck would have taken at least 20 to 30 minutes. Repercussions...The Associated Press reports that all three firefighters currently remain on duty while the incident is being investigated. The three-man crew accused in the matter was led by a 20-year veteran of the department. In fact, he was serving as acting captain.The Kansas City Star reports that the Board of Public Utilities will review the amount of water that was used to fill the pool, and will charge the resident for it. That resident, who was unable to be reached for comment, may be sent to court if he/she does not provide reimbursement to the utility department. At this point, no one knows whether that resident is a friend or relative of any of the three men.As for the firefighters, the fire department's investigation is expected to reveal more details of the incident. "Taking water without paying for it is theft, very simply," concluded Taylor.
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Kansas City Firemen Busted for Filling Private Pool with Fire Hydrant
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Firefighters used a hydrant while on-duty, to fill up a resident's swimming pool
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