I wouldn't even be a TINY bit surprised to find I had one of these devices on my car. In fact, I'm SURE there is one. Besides constant following and texting and the fact that my route is generally EXACTLY the same every day.... this would be a VERY simple way to KNOW exactly which corner to meet me at or where to get on the Interstate at ONE EXIT long enough to loom behind me and then get off at the next one == no destination.
Because the OTHER use described makes NO sense whatsoever ....
EXcerpt (oh and NO DOUBT these guys are in the land of milk and honey with lots to lose)

See, cause last time I checked -- unless these stalkers are out stalking me they're all locked away in their man-caves doing god knows what while little children bang on the door for help and are told to go back to a burning house and call 911. LOL.
SO ---what NEED would there be to KNOW WHERE a fire truck IS??
Are we to believe they are out rambling about the city hither and yon OUTSIDE THEIR GRIDS for groceries, stalkings and such .... or out looking for fires when they won't even drive a half a block to put one out ????
This is BULL.
I happen to have seen LO THE HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of dispatches lately. Oh, yeah, because THE TAMPA FIRE RESCUE is STALKING ME and 98% of the time, make that 99.7% of the time,they are locked up cozy in their station.
Can't count the stalkers in the deathbox from the YMCA on Himes. They actually mobile-dispatched all around me up and down Himes. Thank GOD for that GPS tracking.
So, folks you have paid 250 THOUSAND DOLLARS for the Tampa Fire Rescue to find their own trucks IN THE STATION and stalk citizens who own valuable property.
And, never fear, they're still at it. LOL !! Right around the corner at me at 11:12. At 10:21 they were vrooming by my front door. Just driving around the block, eh? AND, a little earlier than that they were having the usual morning emergency down nebraska which magically seems to occur just the moment I let the dog out. Almost EVERY DAY. Most amusing. Lots of them. The Seminole Heights Fire Rescue joins with others and they have a big, victory (althought they've LOST) parade down Nebraska Ave. No doubt a 'dumpster fire' LOL (gee wonder how ALL THOSE get started) or a homie 'heart attack'.
Carry on.
"It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware people are of what is really happening to them." - Adolf Hitler - Heated Discussion Firefighter vs Citizen pertaining to Fire Brigade abuse of tax dollars
Gang and Citizen Stalking
An interesting PUBLIC discussion pertaining to Firemen ABUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS at FloridaToday.com.
Unlike THIS victim I have NO intention of keeping this information to myself. I warned warned and warned. Let the chips fall where they may. I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR that I intend to reveal if it doesn't stop and instead they thought they'd scare me and DO MORE. That's their choice.
Additional Data on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere
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