Sunday, November 11, 2007


UPDATE: YKNOW that corner of starbux that you spray liberally for me?? Yeah, that one. On Gandy and Himes, of course, you know .... the sweetest little girl with big blue eyes and curls was playing all over those tables and chairs for about fifteen minutes. I never sat there once. I'm quite sure she's the daughter of one of yer lil playas ...... and, as usual -- congratulations. You're SO EFFECTIVE. Poisoning children. That's the way to steal my house, man. yeah. YOU GO. You're sickening and disgusting excuses for human beings.

So, this morning while I was buttering my bagel ... I heard that weird, whining noise that the fire engines make when they run them in low gear or perhaps ADD ON some more shapely firefighters ... LOAD EM UP BOYS WE GOTTA GO INTIMIDATE THAT CHICK SOME MORE -- SHE WON"T GIVE US HER HOUSE AND SHE'S TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT US AGANI"

anyway ...... so vrroooom vrooooom vrooooommmm THEN they waited around the corner until I was standing by my car (YEA, HOW DO THEY KNOW ALL OF THIS >>> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) and vroooomed on by up the block to no doubt sit around another coner ('ll find out later)
Of course, noneof these videotaped STALKINGS are official calls so match that up. That's happened at least five times. (LATELY)

You guys should know that having a cough and sniffles (thanks to my home and car) makes me VERY VERY grumpy and out of sorts. With yall.

As well, the additional (cough cough threats of the lil wannabe STG) and the continued threats towards my family member(s) are not doing ANYTHING for my sense of humor. ATALL.

It's amazing who turns up in my court.

See, one would think that if someone was HIGHLIGHTING your CRIMINAL activities and TELLING THE WORLD about them as a matter of last resort ; that, at the VERY LEAST, you would knock it off. Not these guys.

All ya can do is laugh.

Listen, you have your ways and I have MINE (obviously) and so ... I want you to remember that I am saving some very special incentives for you. So .... carry on. LOL.

Oh and a public service reminder: YOU LOST.
You may have picked up a few council seats in St Pete but that place has BEEN a gone pecan.

I hope you enjoy the homes you stole from others. I really don't believe that you will.

It causes me to smile.

cough cough sniffle sniffle, THREAT THREAT vrooom vrooooom

"It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware people are of what is really happening to them." - Adolf Hitler - Heated Discussion Firefighter vs Citizen pertaining to Fire Brigade abuse of tax dollars

Gang and Citizen Stalking
An interesting PUBLIC discussion pertaining to Firemen ABUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS at
Unlike THIS victim I have NO intention of keeping this information to myself. I warned warned and warned. Let the chips fall where they may. I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR that I intend to reveal if it doesn't stop and instead they thought they'd scare me and DO MORE. That's their choice.

Additional Data on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere

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