Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Helllllloooooo Eye in the Sky

Okay, notable. Today is one of the FEW days in the last two years that I have not had a fire fighter's PERSONAL vehicle OR a big RED noisy truck in my face at least three times in the first twenty minutes I leave my home. (or even BEFORE that) ... two showings that would be innocuous to the untrained,(unsensitized) UNSTALKED eye.
For instance -- say you've lived in the same place for over 30 years, since you were a lil girl?? And, for those same thirty years you've seen this same place four or five times a day. After awhile it just blends in .... the guys are always around -- always there -- never in the middle of the street glaring at you.

Bush becomes the selected resident of OUR White House ... Well, first some background .... okay, I've NEVER been glared at. It just doesn't happen to pretty girls except for by pseudo-women ... and let me remind you that I never had ANY idea I was pretty for years and years ..... and it's still NOT my calling card. BUT, I'll never know how many doors opened because of the simple fact that my features are even and people find me pleasant to look at. I was disappointed, really. I always thought it was because I smiled kindly and they liked me for myself. I've always been a little shy so .. I'm always more the type to hang back and smile rather than mingle about. Just not my thing. Anyway, people ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS smile back. ALWAYS.

Then a very very very sad event occurred within my family and I had to ... go re-figure ALL of life. Before I could even get THAT done ... Bush slithered up to his boy-king throne, September 11, 2001 occurred .. I was still so withdrawn that when Sept 11, 2001 occurred the tailspin just ... piled on. Not really a big effect on my state of mind because my world had already ended as such ..
Long about that time the local fire freaks (maybe a BIT before then but circa)
CLOSED THEIR DOORS. Like they were dead. Never saw them NEVER. I thought they were going to close that fire station ... when you called for directions (had only done that once or twice prior) no friendly voice gave you the local firestation #. NOT their job anymore. Once my beloved Mom thought that our house would burn down due to a friend's son sticking a key into now defunct wall clip-on heaters.. she sent my VERY YOUNG son a very very safe distance (can see them from our back porch) to get the firemen ... it was her first thought... Which reminds me then ... it would HAVE to be before 1999 that they shut their doors and disappeared. The glaring started later, though. At me. And my family.

My son RAN VERY VERY FAST to the firestation and banged and banged on the glass doors. Those big glass doors. He's a tiny thing at the time and he was scared, he didn't eve have shoes on. The fireman told him GO HOME AND CALL 911. NO, this IS NOT what started this ... they started this by stalking us. Very noticeably in Washington DC. I bet I will have to remind my son about this because I just now remembered this when I was trying to relate what transpired and how it got to this point ... My son pointed and said, we live RIGHT THERE, my nanny said to come and get you and the guy WALKED AWAY yelling CALL 911. By this time my Mama had located the phone and had me on my cell ... I was all the way at the college on Dale Mabry and made it to my house before any official showed up. Which was never. The fire sputtered out.
Sooooo --- then the glaring started but I never really gave it a thought. Not personally. Everyone likes me and I was in my own world in survival mode. I'm usually in my own world, anyway so I'm kinda hard to impress. I wondered briefly if perhaps I had driven by too fast or something .. but that COULDN'T be it because ... well, I can't tell you why (LOL but you're fee to conjecture) but I always used to drive very slowly the few TINY LITTLE blocks out of my hood to the Interstate (I'M RICH!!!!!!)

Land under (me and)the Trop is a developer's dream

The 70 acres and interstate access make it a rare gem. Not to mention the GAMBLING LICENSE ...................................... not that any Tampa LEO have any connection to gambling ... or DO THEY??????????????????????????//

By AARON SHAROCKMAN, Times Staff Writer
Published November 14, 2007

Anyhooo, the fire-station doors closed tight, weirdos filled the hood .. like this one big freaky guy who would get behind me and blow his horn .... REAL LOUD and rudely -- trying to get me to pull out in oncoming traffic. Other things happened with his strange self and then he bolted ... but I'll leave that out and concentrate on the fire brigade. Although it's ALL the same picture, I have my reasons for leaving it go for now.

My Grandpa taught me that a good driver only RARELY needs to use the horn. So, my opinion of horn-y drivers is very low to begin with. It got lower. Still dropping. LOL He moved to Kentucky/Ruskin with his counterpart ....

Long about 12--18 months ago I became STRONGLY aware that I was being stalked and supposedly intimidated by Tampa, Pinellas, Pasco, Zephyrhills and Washington DC firefighters. Which was VERY strange. The doors of the fire station remained BOLTED TIGHT .. CALL 911 !!!!! LOL until just recently.

They unbolt them LONG ENOUGH to park two or three firetrucks at a time in the middle of the street I have driven down for ..... 15 or so years ... magically ALWAYS coincidentally during 'at that verrrry moment' a few desultory swipes .... Now, I'm NOT SURE where they washed these things before the stalking started but I'm sure they're working on the story now. I've come back by just to see and have the photographic evidence that they ONLY do this during the time I am driving through. AND, better yet, I leave my house at a different time EVERY DAY. None of this would be ANY big deal without the hours and hours of footage of them driving UP ME at every stop in the road. I think 18 in an hour:20 is the record. And sometimes I miss them... sometimes purposely because despite their BEST ASININE efforts I enjoy myself EVERY DAY and sometimes because they LURK. Just to be more frightening. I talk big but this is very abnormal and frightening behavior directed at a person like myself who has always striven but never quite succeeded at just 'blending in.' It should be known that these acts have caused great mental and emotional stress just as is intended. I'm just strong. I have to be. People RELY on me.

ONE THING that FOR SURE has NEVER EVER occurred is this: (first some background -- I return to my home every EVERY Tuesday evening within the last nearly THREE years within the window of one specific half hour, very few deviations .... I ALWAYS see this fire station ... for over three decades now...... ) Since they are cutting back on the vehicle stalking (first with the ye mystic krewe electrical emergency parade not for ....... FOUR MONTHS) and other indications ... (quiet time on this) now this time-frame I arrive home on Tuesday has become GLARE TIME and sort through the deathbox time. Out in the middle of the street of course. In broad darktime, testing the lights .... the whole nine yards, never mind what the neighbors feel well, they're all in the same pot,I'm just sayin......

I sure hope that while they are doing their "equipment check" in the dark (ALMOST ELEVEN PM) that they don't --- amidst their jumping around energetically so as not to appear desultory --- lose something important like their integrity or perhaps a cpr bag to save a life with....

And, today NOT ONE. Oh, the quiet shopping trip which might appear innocent but it's NOT. Seminole stalkers.
This has happened before --- three day weekends not enough crew, long trips to their real homes in New York and North Carolina, Azalea football coaching, actual REAL emergencies or remodeling by fire keeps them busy.(not so much) Speaking of which when I blogged about their remodeling downtown Tampa with fire (comeON two in a row two blocks apart ???? that was just stupid and lazy) I video'd AT LEAST THIRTEEN of them in two blocks circling me. Not to mention that was the day some of them ABSOLUTELY had to go and photograph the smoldering ruins. Swinging by me TWICE in a BIG HUGE TRUCK .. and jumping out very purposely in front of me.
All on video and flash. Embarrassing. And, criminal. It's STALKING.

Oh and ... so if you think that by pulling back you won't be noticed -- that ship sailed and I have tons of footage of what I am referring to. So, carry on.

Meantime, here's a photo of those brave boys restocking and sorting in the dark of night ... I'm SURE they must do that EVERY SHIFT .... LOL. Oh that's right it's four days on three off..... hmmmmm. But, still, I'm SURE they have a good story working.

Too bad it won't work. Odd that I haven't EVER EVER EVER seen this behavior until I blogged about the one dumbass running me off the interstate with his wife or buddy and how those cameras cut both ways..... today just gave me a lil feeling that I should mention this and also due to some prior threats towards my family. Thanks Mr. T, you and your antics put another chip on the fire. Why not just knock it off? You really CANNOT have everything. YOu know you admire me. Might as well deal with me as the next one.

Seriously, have you ever gone to look for anything outside at night with a flashlight and how difficult that is??? Then, the next morning you find it right away? THAT is the chance THESE fire brigade boys are taking with life-saving equipment and likely narcotics which they have WAY TOO MUCH ACCESS TO.

Thanks for playin. YOU LOST. Deal with it. You played mean, dirty and murderous. You now have more stuff of mine than I do. Enjoy it. All you did and continue to do is make things WORSE. How bout when you succeed at making things IMPOSSIBLE????

Please don't risk any more lives for the sake of stalking me. You've almost run people down, you frightened my little boy by almost hitting my car (INCHES in both cases from certain death or grave injury) your counterparts and yourselves have endangered MANY OTHERS on the interstate by dirty braking, lane veering, cutting me off and just in general jamming up traffic and interfering with the normal, safe flow of traffic. I'm asking again, AGAIN: Please stop it. You and BUCK and the others ... just let it go. Pay me. And actually SAY GOODBYE to the money. It's not yours anymore. If you come back and kill me later as you have so many others, I assure you that you will never get a dime back. So ... deal with it like you've forced so much 'dealing' on others.

Listen, instead of moving chairs out to the front (another new thing with the new fire thugs)just hang a firehat on the post. Very discreet but still VERY VERY YOU.

I promise I'll pay you as much attention as ever. Here's your half hour for today.

Eye in the sky: Don't be fooled. This is highly unusual for them not to make a number of appearance on my route. EVERY DAY. EVERY DAY.
Here's one photo of your tax dollars at work in the dark of night...... oooops, check back I have to go offline for that.

"It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware people are of what is really happening to them." - Adolf Hitler - Heated Discussion Firefighter vs Citizen pertaining to Fire Brigade abuse of tax dollars

Gang and Citizen Stalking
An interesting PUBLIC discussion pertaining to Firemen ABUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS at
Unlike THIS victim I have NO intention of keeping this information to myself. I warned warned and warned. Let the chips fall where they may. I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR that I intend to reveal if it doesn't stop and instead they thought they'd scare me and DO MORE. That's their choice.

Additional Data on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere

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