Thursday, November 15, 2007

Illegal (of COURSE)

UPDATE: I'd have to see this tested to believe it. I have a scanner for bugs and it tests at each place in my house I suspected (undisclosed reasons at this time) had a chip. You should get one !! All that trust you have for your cronies and associates. Well, hell, if yall TRUST each other so much why you have to SPY on each OTHER>? LOL !! The reasoning falls a bit flat as I'm sure what the cronies hear is that it's just in case something goes south that they will run in and help them or save them. Yeah. Don't bet your dead butt on that. Anyway, this thing supposedly does it ALL. Hmmmm. I think it's really funny how they have people countering such stupidity.
But, here it is just for the information.

Maybe I'll buy a spy store. Paranoia is cool. I myself find it EXTREMELY amusing.

UPDATEWow, no WONDER they break into my car so much and the wires are dangling. I'd have NEVER guessed that. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is cheap. If I ever turn Nazi I'm gonna be HELL ON WHEELS, baby.

From Ezine

OF COURSE it's illegal to have this device attached to my car. The action of perhaps resulting in fines and incarceration. Awwww, that would be a real shame. BUT, it's appparently difficult to determine if you have one on your vehicle or person.

EXCERPT:he laws concerning the use of GPS vehicle tracking devices vary from state to state. It is generally accepted that you are legally able to place a tracking device on any vehicle that you own as either and individual or a business. Placing a tracking device on a vehicle that is not under your legal ownership or control is generally considered to be illegal in most circumstances. Penalties for violating privacy laws in some circumstance can lead to serious fines and even incarceration. Many businesses and private individuals have ignored these laws because it is relatively hard to detect GPS vehicle tracking devices. Business that seek trade secrets or information that will give them a competitive edge frequently conducts illegal tracking activities. The very small size of the new real time GPS tracking devices makes it very easy to place a device just about anywhere on a vehicle.

In the same venue individuals also are violating the law by placing tracking devices on the vehicles of ex-spouses, girl or boyfriends. In addition there are several cases where stalkers have also used the technology to keep track of their victims. Many people think it is impossible catch someone doing illegal surveillance tracking but they are mistaken. Technology that detects cell phone transmissions can easily detect the tracking device uploads to the GPS service company that provides the tracking information you are receiving. Again this is a violation of the law use GPS vehicle tracking devices to track another private citizen. It is just not worth the risk.

The use of GPS vehicle tracking devices allows you to keep track of all of your vehicle resou

Apparently you can purchase a JAMMER.
OR some of us might already have one. Luckily, I've attracted such a PLETHORA of stalkers (ahhh the trials of the VERY RICH) that they will never lose track of me ... and that's jake with me.
AND, they're PISSED that I mentioned it because lo and behold the VERY NEXT TIME I drove by here they roared out again right on top of me.

MAN, there is NO END to the coincidences involved in the Tampa Fire Rescue stalking of myself. NO end.

Boulder Indy Media reported a citizen finding GPS tracking devices on his car as far back as July 2003. HOW coincidental.

EXCERPT:Over the past six months, Coronado and other activists have been involved in a campaign against the logging in northwest California, protesting in front of the homes of executives of the Houston-based Maxxam Corporation, which owns the lumber company responsible for the logging.

"We don�t destroy property; we don�t break the law in any way. We are just exercising our free speech rights," says Coronado. "Nevertheless, these people are very much affected, and it�s enough that they are very much aware of why we are there. We are holding them accountable for what they have been profiting from for years."

Federal surveillance is a routine part of Coronado�s life, and he says officials have been increasingly interested in his activities since he began visiting the homes of Maxxam executives. That doesn�t mean he wasn�t surprised on Sunday morning, July 6, when he was attaching a trailer hitch to his car and noticed something underneath his vehicle that wasn�t supposed to be there.

Nicosia says he was inside asleep that morning when Coronado discovered the large black devices attached behind the rear bumpers of his and his girlfriend�s cars on the driver�s side. When Nicosia woke up, Coronado showed him the strange tangles of wires and electronics. Nicosia immediately became curious if such a device had also been planted on his car.

It took just a moment to discover the answer.

Eyes in the sky

A GPS device is essentially a super-charged version of the standard compass; instead of just telling its user which way is north, a GPS device will determine its exact location on earth.

A GPS system operates by interacting with satellites orbiting the earth containing highly accurate atomic clocks. When activated, the GPS device will "look" at four of the satellites simultaneously. By comparing the different times it reads on each of the atomic clocks, the GPS device will calculate its distance from each satellite. Using this information, the GPS device can determine not only its location, but also the exact time it was at that location. Sensitive GPS devices can be accurate down to a nanosecond and within 15 to 20 meters.

While Nicosia and Coronado are not GPS experts, they immediately assumed the devices found on their cars and Coronado�s girlfriend�s car were GPS systems, especially since one component was labeled GPS Antenna.

When Nicosia brought his device to GPS Solutions, a Boulder-based software developer of high-accuracy GPS technology, chief engineer Jim Johnson confirmed their suspicion.

"This is definitely a GPS board," says Johnson, referring to one of the components of the device.

BUT, they're microscopic now. I'm sure that there's ONLY THE BEST for PamPA that hot bed of stalking firemen.

"It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware people are of what is really happening to them." - Adolf Hitler - Heated Discussion Firefighter vs Citizen pertaining to Fire Brigade abuse of tax dollars

Gang and Citizen Stalking
An interesting PUBLIC discussion pertaining to Firemen ABUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS at
Unlike THIS victim I have NO intention of keeping this information to myself. I warned warned and warned. Let the chips fall where they may. I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR that I intend to reveal if it doesn't stop and instead they thought they'd scare me and DO MORE. That's their choice.

Additional Data on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere

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