and get thousands of pairs of eyes per day on same. THIS I will be doing. This is the unedited version.
FIREMEN STALKING CITIZENS organized stalking by county and city employees and others | |
I have videotape and many photos of ongoing stalking, terrorizing, intimidation, harassment and other criminal acts directed at myself AND other members of my family and extended network and loved ones. This harassment includes toxics used on and in my home and car, constant following and scary multi-daily appearances and accompanying sirens from firefighters AND in their personal cars in Pinellas County, FL, Pasco Cty. Fl and mostly in Hillsborough County FL. This has also occurred when I attended Camp Democracy in Washington DC. There is participation by officers including being pulled over, blocking my lane, following me, zooming on me, others of the stalking group calling the police on me for instance when I am AT THE LIBRARY. When the police respond they will not look at my proof but instead say they 'see both sides' and I cannot have their names and then they intimidate me. I DO have their names and the photos and can relate the stories very well. It has been the same man who has called the police each time. To wit: This is EXTREMELY dangerous behavior. Twice, while they were in the 'harass me' mode firetrucks have come very close to running over other citizens.There are other witnesses to this behavior. Once, one pulled very close to my own vehicle. On purpose, cut in front of me and came inches from my son's door. I also have THAT picture and video. They pulled directly in front of me as I was driving they cut across the road at an angle in front of me. Part of this is because I own extremely valuable property in Tampa FL and they hope to scare me out of it. Part of it I believe is enjoyable for them. The sheriffs have also participated. AND emergency service vehicles and other city and county employees. I have made the Mayor's office aware of this and the Tampa Police Dept. Nothing has been done. As well, the Tampa Police Dept participates. I do have a video up on you tube which displays this rather well. Four minutes of hours and hours of video proving this. Please contact anyone you can think of because I know my family and I are not the only victims. The roots of this behavior lie in earlier fascist times. Most recently being Hitler. Please help myself AND others by publicizing this and asking for strict laws and punishment and curtailing of benefits and pensions for these criminals. Thank you for this opportunity to publicize this manner. If I were not a strong person with sole responsibility for children I would have cracked by now. No normal person can tolerate this abuse. It is terrible. They want to turn your life into a nightmare. Please ask for help to disallow them terrorizing other citizens and myself. I have A LOT of proof. Thank you again for your time. Also they have murdered our animals and threatened my own life. They killed five puppies over a week about two years ago, one after the other. I also suspect that some in this crowd did cause my uncle to wreck his car, causing permanent brain damage to his youngest son and causing the eventual death of my uncle. This is also not the only deaths I attribute to this huge gang. Please help however you can. |

Unlike THIS victim I have NO intention of keeping this information to myself. I warned warned and warned. Let the chips fall where they may. I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR that I intend to reveal if it doesn't stop and instead they thought they'd scare me and DO MORE. That's their choice.
Additional Data on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere
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