These people are so simple-minded but they will spend so much time ON ME. At least twenty-five people have come in here to stare, glare, you name it. You can ALWAYS tell when they are on a mission.
Of course, they're easy to figure out. When you drink coffee you have to go to the bathroom, right? So, they think they have it ALL figure out. For the first hour they send in what serves as teh calvary (the chickens are loose the chickens are loose) THEN comes some .... okay, I won't be unkind. Some of them are rather pretty until you look at them close.
This one waited until I went to the bathroom (took my laptop with me LOL) and then sprayed some noxious stuff on my table and seat, perhaps added something to my coffee, saved it and THEN BOLTED in her lil bottle green car. I just have her pic ....thought she'd like it here in recognition of a fine try but MISS. This goes along with Tuesday night backgammon boy. Whew ... talk about your waste of a cute lil dude. Gotta go offline for a bit to access the pic. Oh, and here's a thought for you. Now that you've forced me from my spot HOW am I supposed to see all your threatening vehicles as yo drive through over and over?? Just checking.
And, to the youngish lady. How is it that you believe it is NORMAL to be sitting at home and someone asks you to go to StarBucks and just wait until this girl goes to the bathroom. By the way, it's extremely easy to poison people via their coffee or wine or mixed drinks. Depending on the expertise of the poisoner. I think they give these sad folks pre-mixes because ... well, I have my reasons. SuperBowl 2005, was it?? And then some offhand dates. LOL !!! Thanks guys, it's not just a job, it's an adventure. I love you, too. I am the chosen one. Why THANK YOU SO MUCH. Maybe you didn't know I am the chosen one. You act like you have all this power. But, you don't. Anyone who wants to pick up chemicals or a gun or some poison or a bunch of people necessary to 'make their spells work' .... that's NOT POWER. That's just evil meanness.
People like me? WE have power.
They don't even trust YOU to interview people and find out stuff. If you don't believe me, try this. Take yourself on over to the spy store. Plunk down a couple hundred bucks and get one of those sweepers. BITCH, your home is TAPPED just like mine. And, this is religion. So, stop loading up on what you think you know and switch sides before it's way too late. In fact, if you like, I'lll let you borrow MY sweeper. It's a right laugh.
Here's what we're dealing with today. Firemen, the United States Postal Service, MOST law enforcement, MOST of the FDLE, MUCH OF THE FBI. THE HEAD OF INTERPOL, THE FUCKING CATHOLIC POPE: Following his fourteenth birthday in 1941, Ratzinger was enrolled in the Hitler Youth — membership being legally required after December 1939[4] — but was an unenthusiastic member and refused to attend meetings[5]. His father was a bitter enemy of Nazism, believing it conflicted with the Catholic faith. (if this was true once it is NO LONGER SO. Have you been around your Catholic school-mates or your old church lately?????) Go have a look and get back to me. WITH ALL HIS CONNECTIONS to NAZI-ism each is denied by just a simple disclaimer just as BUSH's are when his direct family ties are WRITTEN IN STONE. WHO IS HERE to say that Ratzinger's claims are not true? A closer look would have them murdered or paid off, or some such. These people DID try hard. But their plan was so fucking HUGE that naturally they left MANY MANY gaps. One of which I am sailing through to talk to you before it's too late. And it almost is.
This is what Hitler created and sent forth:

Above -- Hitler Youth perform in the Hour of Commemoration in front of the town hall in Tomaszow, Poland in 1941. Their flags bear the ancient Germanic Sig-Rune 'S' symbolic of victory.
"My program for educating youth is hard. Weakness must be hammered away. In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth. Youth must be all that. It must bear pain. There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes...That is how I will eradicate thousands of years of human domestication...That is how I will create the New Order." -- Adolf Hitler, 1933.
THE NEW WORLD ORDER. PNAC. It's all right here in black and white, people.
I'm just living it. You know why?? Because I FUCKING HAVE TO. I'm stuck with the goddamn job because so many others are FUCKING GUTLESS.Don't be.
If you stand up to them the dirty bastards go get all their fucked up friends just like on the playground. But, YOU WIN.
Remember that.
WE WIN.They have done their best to forget that.
But, they've already LOST.
It's OVER.Young lady, please --- change. It's never too late. You're a pretty thing. Does your whole life hinge on getting what you have by hurting others? Yes, it does.
I'm sorry but you'll have to change. Like any other habit dropped it will take WORK. Just do it. Your life depends on it.
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